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Showing posts from April, 2019

health tips ,What is_the significance of milk in food?

health tips ,What is the_significance.of milk in food? . health tips ,What is the significance of milk in food? Milk for UN Food and Agriculture Organization is one of the main foodgrains providing calcium in human nutrition according to FAO. Consumption of milk and its derivatives provides the necessary proteins and minerals to sustain and maintain life for humans. For the food and nutrition of Brazil, the consumption of these foods is recommended to reach a substantial amount of calcium, a mineral which is fundamental to the structure and maintenance of the organism's formation. The main carbohydrate lactose present in milk is there. It contributes to the absorption of intestines of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus present in sugar, as well as the use of vitamin D by the body. These micro nutrients are important in relation to the metabolism of the bone. Casein, present in milk, is a protein of high biological value, which is the source of essential amino acid